Did you buy your home many years ago? Or have you been in your current place for just a few years?
There are plenty of reasons to sell and seek out a house that is smaller and one that fits your lifestyle. On the flip side, there are reasons you may want to stay in your home.
Now that you are in retirement or are nearing retirement, the mortgage may be paid off or you might have a significant equity stake in your primary residence.
Much goes into a decision to sell your home, and the process may seem daunting if you have lived in your house for years.
Would you be ok with diagnosing yourself if you had symptoms of a serious disease? (Assuming you aren’t a doctor, of course!)
Or let's say your car needed a new engine. Would you tackle that project on your own?
OK—so that was actually two questions. But I bet your answers to both were likely a resounding “No!” And few people would blame you for not wanting to navigate major health or mechanical issues on your own.
Yet most people go their entire lives managing their finances without professional help.
Why is that? Well, one big reason is they think they can do it on their own. There are other reasons, as well.
Some people think they can’t afford financial advice.
Some don’t understand exactly what a financial advisor does or how they may benefit from one.
Others assume they will have to buy unnecessary products or services.
Let's look at those reasons, starting with the most common one.
By now you have probably heard that the stimulus package (also known as Coronavirus Act, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act) has been signed into law. The purpose of the bill is to give Americans a financial bridge until quarantine measures are lifted and people are able to go back to work.
The final version of the CARES Act is ((990))) pages long, and it will take accountants and financial planners weeks and months to sort out all the provisions. For now, here’s what you need to know.
When it comes to investing, many people only consider "financial" investments.
But that way of looking at things misses an important point. There are many avenues for investing in yourself. And the best part is … not all of them involve the stock market!
Here are a few ways you can invest in your best future.